Monday, July 21, 2003


I am curious. That's my nature. I want to know, so I ask questions. If I don't get answers, I do tend to dig and dig until I do. So now I am doing some digging.

I look at my site meter from time to time, just to see who's come and gone, etc. I have been noticing some traffic from gov. sites. Now, I am aware that gov. sites are not suppose to be using their computers surfing the Net. And I suppose, it could be "hey, rules are meant to be broken", kind of thing, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. So I really don't give a damn what they are doing on their time.

However, I did notice a gov. site reading my blog for 25+ minutes the other day. I don't want to sound paranoid, but that does kind of makes me wonder. I am not worried about anything that I am writing, cause I don't write about bodily threats to any individual, I'm not showing porn on my site, and I'm not threatening to overthrow our great country or making any other subversive threats.

So I am just a bit curious. If you are just a surfer of the Net, that's okay, except don't get caught doin' it; course that is part of the game, I suppose. But if you are lookin' for something extrodinare on this site, wow are YOU barking up the wrong tree.

This dog can't hunt...I'm not that sophisticated. I'm just a little Southern Boll Weevil having a good time right now, whether I get noticed or not, and I tell you what - IF I should decide to do any of those things that I have written about above in the third paragraph, I will give you a heads up, okay?!